St. Bernadette Worship Space







Parish Picnic

Contact: Marge Sholl and Christina Brandon -

Senior's Club Women's Club

The Creating Community Committee is responsible for building

community within the parish and the community at large.


    The Creating Community Committee meets the second Wednesday

of the month at 7 PM in the parish Library.  All are welcome!


Acknowledgement - sends cards to parishioners for sickness, death and special occasions
Welcoming - extends personal greetings to visitors and new members of our parish


Art Ministry - displays exhibits of parish and local talent in the Gallery.


Communications - informs the parish of events through the church bulletin board.


Diversity - supports the core values of the parish by encouraging and fostering diversity and inclusion within the parish;  plans, designs and implements initiatives that will raise awareness and celebrate the wide variety of cultures that make up the family of St. Bernadette Parish.

Spotlight on Saints
2020 - 2019 - 2018


Historian - maintains a photo archive of parish activities and events

 We welcome all photos!
Please send to

Parish Social Events - plans and organizes parish social events to build community

Fiscal Year 2020 Creating Community Parish Social Events

Parish address