St. Bernadette Worship Space

Notre Dame de la Visitation

Our Lady of the Visitation
Gonaives, Haiti

The Church of Our Lady of the Visitation
The Church was partially built with funds from the Archdiocese of Baltimore
Our Lady of the Visitation Church Our Lady of the Visitation Church

Google earth view of parish --,-72.6774077,200m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en

Father Andre Delavarre, Pastor
Father Andre Delavarre
A Prayer for the People of Haiti

Out of the depths we cry to You O God.
We cry to You for our Haitian sisters and brothers.
We thank You for upholding them in their suffering.
Give them continuing strength and comfort.
Give us love and courage to stand with them and work with them as they struggle for justice and freedom.

Keep us committed to the truth and empower us with Your Spirit of love;

  • a love that always sees possibilities for peace founded on justice;
  • a love that seeks justice without vengeance and retaliation;
  • a love that reaches out to enemies as Jesus taught us.

Information about Our Lady of the Visitation Parish

Information about Haiti and The Diocese of Gonaives

Haiti - CIA World Factbook

Information about Haiti - Catholic Relief Services, News Services, Government Sources, Radio Stations, etc.

Education in Haiti - Information from U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Parish address